This morning got me out of sorts. 

Josh's dad, who I am already not a huge fan of, called Josh this morning. He was hungry, he explained. He wanted to go out to eat. I told Josh today wasn't a good day - we still had groceries to buy and bathrooms to clean, not to mention books to drop off at Title Wave. He'd have to go out with his dad another day. 

Blythe contacted me. She had checked in on Josh's bank account to make sure there was enough money for groceries in it and, well, the contents surprised her. Countless charges to restaurants. An extravagant amount at GameStop. Had I been there when Josh made this outrageous purchase? If so, fine.

Once she said it, I knew the culprit. Kwang had taken Josh to GameStop a few days before. Josh had gotten a new cell case. No specifics on whether he bought it himself or his dad had gotten it as a gift. (But I have my guesses.) There is absolutely no doubt in my mind now what had transpired on that little Father-Son outing. 

No, I explained. It was Kwang. 

She explained Josh had been leaving his debit card at home and hadn't had any issues until Kwang weaseled his way back into his life. And so, it's official in the worst possible way: he hasn't changed since high school. He is still a leech, slowly sucking every bit of value out of anyone and everyone who will let him. 

So, it's really no secret I was pleased I prevented Josh from going out. I had only seen Kwang once and I didn't want to see him for the remainder of my stay. I can't deal with his bullshit. 

And then the dead-beat fucker shows up at the front door. 

I was furious. 

Okay, fine. I was (slightly) above baking the asshat a large pan of ex-lax brownies, but I was not above severing his financial lifeline. I made Josh leave his debit card and all of his extra cash at home. I needed them for groceries, I explained, without feeling bad about lying. 

They went to breakfast. The receipt showed Kwang had paid for the meal. I felt vindicated, but sad - for Josh. The most tragic part of this entire situation? Josh really does want to have a relationship with his dead-beat dad. He's swallowed up by Kwang's charisma and easygoing nature. What he doesn't see - and may never see - is Kwang's inability to love anyone but himself. 

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