Last Will and Testament

DECLARATION. I, Boreal Witch, a legal adult being of competent and sound mind, do hereby declare this to be my last will and testament.

Firstly, I promise to discard or distribute all of all of my personal belongings before I die. 

Second, I promise to never bequeath a large, heavy, or cumbersome item to someone more than 100 miles away. If, for whatever reason, I insist upon doing so, I will pay the moving costs and fees associated with said item.

Third, I promise to find special homes for my fabric and quilting items unless arrangements have already been made for my children, nieces, or nephew to have them. 

Fourth, I promise to not leave the next generation of family members with piles of my stuff, my parents' stuff, and/or my grandparents' stuff. Exceptions will be made for specific family items, to be determined before I die (see #1).

Lastly, I promise to never expect my children, nieces, or nephew to feel obligated to have any of my physical items. In fact, if they don't ask for it, I will assume they don't want it. 


Boreal Witch


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